
- Trip to Hargita montain its 1801 m high.
- You can see the bears in the company of a game-keeper.
- Walking tour to the water dam of Zeteváralja.
- You can walk to the ruins of Zeta castle, where there is a wonderful outlook an the village of Zeteváralja and the river Küküllõ.
- Roaming in the Hargita mountains an horseback, with a guide.
- The waterfall offers a fascinating picture. It rushes down from the side of the mountain having a fresh and clear water. There are rocks and trees in the vally.
- We offer the possibility to our guests to come with us for a herb gathering trip.Thus you can come to know the healing effects of the herbs still used by the szeklers.

- In summer evenings a local performing group entertains our guests by campfire old folktales are retold by people to the great joy of the guests.

- We teach children and adults how to paint szekler tulip motives, threading necklaces of perls and horse hair weavingat lamp light until midnight, and this way you can discover despite the dark the glittering treasures of Transilvania.